
St. Leo the Great: Letters is unavailable, but you can change that!

As the vestiges of the Roman political machine began to collapse in the fifth century AD, the towering figure of Pope St. Leo the Great came into relief amid the rubble. Sustained by an immutable doctrine transcending institutions and cultures, the Church alone emerged from the chaos. Eventually, the Roman heritage became assimilated into Christianity and ceased to have a life of its own. It...

. Bishop Leo, to his dearly beloved brother, Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople (June 13, 449).1 We have read your Charity’s letter (we are amazed that it came so late) and have reviewed the proceedings of the council of bishops.2 At last we have found out about the obstacle to the integrity of the faith which arose in your area; what before seemed obscure has now been disclosed and clarified for us. Eutyches, who appeared to be honorable because of his priestly title, is revealed by your letter
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